my foster brother [ daniel J n me ]
edwin, charlotte, daniel J, clarrisa
ricca seens like no mood at all
Big eyes sister [ payna n me ]
clarrisa, me, esther, payna and ying ying
my frens have a visits at my house
me and my cousin [ mindy and alvin ]
me n mindy
me n alex randy
esther and me
esther, me n karyee
my dad frens children..
Are they cute??
my brother [ julius ] n my mummy
me n karyee

my cousin [ sharon ] n my dad

my 1st aunty n my 3rd uncle

alex randy n jessie [ my cousins too ]

he is talking his phone with her girlfriend

my 1st uncle n his wife

me n esther
can u see alvin behind us??
Finally i have time to update my blog
Here are some pictures while taking during new year time
but i didn't arrange it in order
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